Element Control Westinghouse Single PHP


Sale price$44.00


EGO single element simmerstat control. Fitted to the following models:
WESTINGHOUSE: PHP285S, 949163087, PHP285W, 949163086, PHP284U, 949163085 PHN285S 949163002 PHN285W 949163003 PHN284U 949163001 EHC646U, 949163006, PHN395U,, 949163004 PHR284U 949163183 PHP395U 949163089 EHC647U 949163140 PHR285S 949163185 PHR285W 949163184 PHR395U, 949163186, WHC742BA 949163179, WHC644SA 949163181 WHC642BA 949163180 EHC947U 949163141 EHEC65BS 949163008 EHC946U 949163007 EHP6625P, 949591873 64J986U 949163005 EHP60040P 949592636 WHC942BA 949163178 HK614010MB 94959337400 949595126 CHC644BA, 949163312 CHC744BA 949163313 CHC944BA 949163314 SHC644BA 949163317 SHC944BA 949163316, WLE524WC, WLE646WA 94000182225


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