F&P slide arm oven door hinge (#20 in the picture) to suit RA6102-6106 and OR61 Series ranges. This hinge was also fitted to most pre-2000 F&P models of ovens and ranges: Kelvinator, Frigidaire, Shacklock and F&P Champion branded ranges. Tip: if the oven door is simply removed by sliding out of the oven chassis then this is your hinge.
F&P 610 Oven Door Repair Guide
F&P Built-in ovens: Custom 27, WO570T WO570TD WO570TC WO570X WO570XD WO570A WO570AD WO570E WO570ED
F&P Freestanding Ranges: Chef 21, Chef 24, Chef 27, 5357AWR, 5357SR, 5357WAR, M5357AWR, M5357AWRM, M5357EWR, 541N, 542WA, 544MAW, 545EW, 543AW, 544MAW, 545EW, RA535MAW, RA535MEW, RA535AW, RA535EW, RA535N, RA610MTDS, RA610MTWS, RA610MADS, RA610MAWS, RA610MEDS, RA610MEWS, RA610MAD, RA610PAW, RA610AWP, RA610AW, RA610EDS, RA610EWS, RA610MED, RA610MEW, RA610H, RA6102AW RA6102AWC RA6102AWP RA6102B RA6102BC RA6102FAW RA6102MAW RA6102MAWS RA6102MEDS RA6102MEW RA6102MEWC RA6102MEWS, RA6103AW, RA6103AWC, RA6103B, RA6103BC, RA6103MAW, RA6103MAWS, RA6103MEDS, RA6103MEW, RA6103MEWC, RA6103MEWS, RA6104, 6104, 6105AW, 6105EW, 6105SA, 6105T, 6105WA, 6105WAF, 6105WAP, M6104, M6105ED, M6105EDS, M6105EW, M6105EWS, M6105WA, 661TW, 662XD, 663TWS, 664XDS, M6106ADR, M6106AWR, M6106ADS, M6106AWS, M6106EWS, M6106EDS, M6106EDR, M6106EWR, 651MAW, 652AD, 653AWS, 654ADS, 655EW, 656ED, 657EWS, 658EDS, 6106TR, 6106WAR, 640H, 641WA, 643MWA
F&P OR61 Freestanding Ranges: 80744-A OR61S4CEWW2, 80745-A OR61S8CEWSW2, Oregano, Paprika, Pepper, Sage, Saffron, Tamarind, Thyme
ELBA OR61 Freestanding Ranges: 80551-A OR61S2CAWW 1, 80552-A OR61S2CBW1, 80553-A OR61S4CAWW 1, 80554-A OR61S8CEWW 1, 80555-A OR16SBCEWSW 1, 85260-A OR61S8CEWSW3, 85260-B OR61S8CEWSW3, 85262-A OR61S2CEWW3, 85262-B OR61S2CEWW3, 85463-A OR61S4CEWW4, 85463-B OR61S4CEWW4, 85464-A OR61S2CEWW4, 85464-B OR61S2CEWW4, 85465-A OR61S8CEWSW4, 85465-B OR61S8CEWSW4, 89185-A OR61S2CAWW2, 89186-A OR61S4CEWW2, 89187-A OR16S8CEWSW2
Associated parts you may need to repair the door: #18 spring 471150, #13 track 471009, Kit 573476 (comprises #19 hinge pin, #14 roller pin, #17 roller, 2 x #16 nylon hinge spacers)