Kit Robinhood F&P Wastemaster Flange

SKU: WD6215962

Sale price$73.00


Flange kit for Robinhood and F&P wastemaster garbage disposal units (garbage gobblers or scrapeaters), kit comprises all the parts as pictured:  new flange, rubber gasket, fibre gasket, mounting ring with hinged clamp.

ROBINHOOD, F&P: SE390QA SE390Q, SE390, SE390Q, SE390QA, SE520Q, SE520QA, A0035,
Compatible with RWD11, RWD12, WD10, WD15, WD13, WD2002, WD1001, RWD11, RWD12, RWD10, SC390QA

Note: You will need to use the clip + the rubber from the new part if you do not want to change the complete housing.

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