Neon Electrolux Oven Indicator Red

SKU: 3221537

Sale price$27.00


Red neon indicator light, 230 volts AC, 13mm head to fit 9mm hole, 200mm wire length. To fit the following ovens, also used in many coffee machines including San Marco:

ELECTROLUX: FN010B (94971140200), FN010N (94971140300), FN010X (94971140400), FM040B (94971140500), FM040N (94971140600), FM040X (94971140700), FNQ011B (94971140800), FNQ011N (94971140900), FNQ011XN (94971141000), FMQ041B (94971141100), FMQ041N (94971141200), FMQ041XN (94971141300), FMQ041X (94971141400), FMQ041X (94971141401), FMS041X (94971142700), FMS051X (94971142800), FMS051X (94971142801), FMQ041B (94971156200), FMQ041N (94971156300), FMQ041XN (94971156400), FMQ041X (94971156500), FMS041X (94971157900), FMS041X (94971157901), FMS041X (94971157902), FMS051X (94971158000), FMS051X (94971158001), FMS051X (94971158002), FS50X (94971199700), FS60X (94971199800), FMQ041B (94971215200), FMQ041N (94971215300), FMQ041XN (94971215400), FMQ041X (94971215500), FMS041X (94971217500), FMS051X (94971217600), FS50X (94971240400), ZHM761W (94972054101), ZHM761W (94972054102), ZHM761B (94972054201), ZHM761B (94972054202), ZHM761N (94972054301), ZHM761X (94972054401), HM497E (94972058103), HM497EW (94972058203), HM497EW (94972058204), HM497EW (94972058205), HM497EN (94972058300), HM497EN (94972058303), HM497EN (94972058304), HM497EN (94972058305) PXL931A (94974014700), PBL931A (94974014800), PNL931A (94974014900), PTL931A (94974015000), PXL931V (94974015100), PBL931V (94974015200), PNL931V (94974015300), PTL931V (94974015400), PXL931 (94974015500), PXL931BA (94974015600), PXL931DA (94974015700), PXE931A (94974019400), PBE931A (94974019500), PTE931A (94974019600), PXL931A (94974020800), PBL931A (94974020900), PTL931A (94974021000), PXL931V (94974021100), PBL931V (94974021200), PNL931V (94974021300), PTL931V (94974021400), PXL931 (94974021500), PXL931DA (94974021700), PXE931A (94974021800), PNL931A (94974026900), PXL942A (94975010700), PXL941A (94975010800), PBL941A (94975010900), PTL941A (94975011000), PXL943A (94975011100), PXL941DA (94975011200), PXL951A (94975011300), PBL951A (94975011400), PTL951A (94975011500), PXL951DA (94975011600)

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